


O nas | Bezpieczeństwo Zarezerwuj kilkoma prostymi ruchami 1Wybierz hotel 2Dane użytkownika 3Zapłata 4Wydanie voucherów
Przyjazd dnia 25.05.2024 , wyjazd 09.06.2024, 15 noclegów. Noclegi na 5 osoby
Typologia Pokoje łazienek Cena
B 1 1 5 1 - 5 1.485,00 €
Cena pełna: 1.485,00 €

New residential complex composed with two buildings with swimming pool and whirlpool. It is located in a quiet and well served area, and it ‘s completely fenced. The apartment has a living room with kitchenette and sofa bed, one bedroom with double bed and single bed, bathroom with shower box and a large covered terrace. Reserved parking-place. The apartment has air conditioning with split in every room, dishwasher, microwave, TV-Sat At guests' disposal two laundry rooms with washing machines for free use. The complex has a swimming pool for adults with a whirlpool area and a pool for children, as well as a beautiful garden with lawn and a trees.

Formularz zapytania o informacje

Es: +39.0123.36445

Es: +39.0123.36445

Warunki prywatności

(Warunki prywatności)

Biuletyn informacyjny

Pola z * są obowiązkowe

New residential complex composed with two buildings with swimming pool and whirlpool. It is located in a quiet and well served area, and it ‘s completely fenced. The apartment has a living room with kitchenette and sofa bed, one bedroom with double bed and single bed, bathroom with shower box and a large covered terrace. Reserved parking-place. The apartment has air conditioning with split in every room, dishwasher, microwave, TV-Sat At guests' disposal two laundry rooms with washing machines for free use. The complex has a swimming pool for adults with a whirlpool area and a pool for children, as well as a beautiful garden with lawn and a trees.

Numero di licenza 027034-LOC-14830

Usługi do waszej dyspozycji


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