


O nas | Bezpieczeństwo Zarezerwuj kilkoma prostymi ruchami 1Wybierz hotel 2Dane użytkownika 3Zapłata 4Wydanie voucherów
Przyjazd dnia 04.05.2024 , wyjazd 25.05.2024, 21 noclegów. Noclegi na 5 osoby
Typologia Pokoje łazienek Cena
Quadrilocale 6 pax 3 1 6 1 - 6 1.407,00 €
Cena pełna: 1.407,00 €

Bungalow in a quite green area, at about 250 mt far from the beach. Each Bungalow type D° (4-rooms flat with bunk bed) has: 1 bedroom with doublebed; 1 bedroom with 2 single beds; 1 bedroom with bunk bed; bathroom with window; livingroom; kitchenette; enclosed garden with parking place. - air conditioner (see Price List with air conditioner included) - safe - fridge with top freezer Images and/or ground-plans shown are indicative only and used to show the apartment's type.

Formularz zapytania o informacje

Es: +39.0123.36445

Es: +39.0123.36445

Warunki prywatności

(Warunki prywatności)

Biuletyn informacyjny

Pola z * są obowiązkowe

Bungalow in a quite green area, at about 250 mt far from the beach. Each Bungalow type D° (4-rooms flat with bunk bed) has: 1 bedroom with doublebed; 1 bedroom with 2 single beds; 1 bedroom with bunk bed; bathroom with window; livingroom; kitchenette; enclosed garden with parking place. - air conditioner (see Price List with air conditioner included) - safe - fridge with top freezer Images and/or ground-plans shown are indicative only and used to show the apartment's type.

Numero di licenza 027034-LOC-14590

Usługi do waszej dyspozycji

Beach umbrella, deckchair and sunbed (1) Ogrod prywatny (1) Parking odkryty (1) Zwierzeta (1) Klimatyzacja (1) Sejf (1) TV (1) Residential area (1)

W pobliżu hotelu

Cerca fino a:

Assistenza medica
Mangiare e bere
Tempo libero
Pubblica utilità