


Działy specjalne

The Bibione Lighthouse

The Lighthouse of Bibione is located on the banks of the Tagliamento river, in the eastern side of the seaside resort, immersed in a beautiful natural oasis.


The lighthouse, built after the First World War, is a rectangular structure on 2 floors, with a cylindrical tower of 21 meters. At first totally white, now it is white and yellow ochre, adapting well to the environment.

Even today the lighthouse is the reference point for sailors, while during the day it is a destination for walks, bicycle and also horseback rides for the many tourists that spend their holidays in Bibione.



The lighthouse is reachable on foot or by bike through the cycle/pedestrian path that runs along the beach and links it to Lido dei Pini. Thanks to this choice, the area appears as wild, with the pine forest, the sandy dunes with their vegetation and wetlands rich in local flora and fauna.



This path is also very suggestive: going through the nature of Bibione, it is possible to admire sculptures created as part of the project “Land Play Walk”.


Many people come to find some peace and relaxation in contact with nature, others arrive with their dog for a walk. Surely everyone is fascinating by this particular place, where different biotopes live in perfect balance.

An example? Here the typical Mediterranean plants mix with orchids and alpine flora, thanks to the proximity of the mouth of the river Tagliamento.

The lucky one can also see deers and weasels, as well as various birds such as, for example, spotted woodpeckers, elegant black-winged stilts and kingfishers.


The Bibione Lighthouse can be visited during the summer season and hosts art and photographic exhibitions inside, while outside is perfect for concerts and events.


More and more often, it is chose by young couples to celebrate marriage.

Bibione Spa: Summer Timetable 2024

To spend a day of fun and relaxation among the pools and wellness area or to indulge in beauty treatments and massages, the Bibione spa is the right solution for everyone.

Both children and adults will find a welcoming environment suited to their needs, complete with a Lounge Bar area.

Overlooking the sea and with a large garden shaded by pine trees, Bibione Thermae is one of the most popular and renowned spas on the Adriatic coast, just a few steps from Venice.

Here are the timetables of the various areas in detail:


Thermal pools, bar and restaurant:

  • daily from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm (in the event of large crowds, the entrance may be temporarily closed)


Wellness Area:

  • Monday to Friday from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm


Spa Beauty Farm:

  • Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • Sunday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm




  • Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
  • Sunday from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm



  • Daily from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Thermal therapies

  • MUD BATH THERAPY (ground floor) from Sunday to Friday (on appointment): from 6:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  • MASSAGES (2nd floor) from Sunday to Friday (on appointment): from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
  • INHALATIONS (1st floor) from Sunday to Friday (on appointment): from 6:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm


Thermal rehabilitation area:

  • Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED unitl 18/05/2024
  • PHYSIOKINESITHERAPY Monday to Friday (on appointment) from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Luna Park Adriatico: fun for everyone in Bibione

During the holiday in Bibione, as perfect conclusion of a day on the beach, families must visit almost one time the fun fair. After dinner, what could be better than an evening to the fair?

The Luna Park Adriatico satisfies everyone, adults and children, thanks to its many attractions included in over 10,000 square meters of parkland.
Located in Via del Sagittario in Piazza Mercato, it is easily reachable on foot with a beautiful walk along the main streets of Bibione and offers also a large parking for those, who prefer to reach it by car.

The Luna Park Adriatico is open every evening from mid-May to mid-September, from 7pm to Midnight and from 1st until 15th August it is open until 1am.
In addition, for children and for people who want more, the Luna Park is open also Tuesday mornings from 10am to noon.

There is no excuse! After a day at the beach, the amusement park in Bibione waits for everyone to provide lots of fun and carelessness.

At the Luna Park Adriatico, in fact, there are many rides for the children, but also exciting attractions for adults, in addition to classic target shooting, hook a duck, wheel of fortune and more.

For younger children, the fun fair in Bibione offers the timeless carousel merry-go-round, the little pirate ship, canoe riders, mini bikes, flying coaster ride, formula track ride, train, bumper cars, slides and many other rides where children can enjoy themselves while mom and dad watch them. Some attractions are instead for the whole family: the haunted house, the Ferris wheel, the house of mirrors and the roller coaster are an example.

Only for adults there are the incredible swinging gym, go karts and a rides only for the brave: the fire bat. If you are curious about it, come to the Luna Park Adriatico in Bibione!

Are you thirsty after all these attractions? No problem. The food stalls are here for you: candies of all types and colours, soft drinks, snacks and especially cotton candy will be the perfect end of your funny and crazy evening.
It is impossible to resist!

Let's not forget that the Luna Park Adriatico offers discounts for everyone. Just enter the website to the Promotions page: here you find the coupons to download, print, cut and present to the cash desks.

What are waiting for?
The Luna Park Adriatico in Bibione awaits for you every evening from 7pm to midnight with many rides, attractions and great discounts!


Luna Park Adriatico
Via del Sagittario - Bibione (VE) 

Oasi naturalistica Val Grande: escursioni nella natura

L’oasi naturalistica Val Grande a Bibione è un’area protetta di grande pregio e importanza per tutta la zona.

È considerata un piccolo angolo di paradiso nella parte a nord della località balneare, nella zona lagunare. Luogo ideale per trascorrere momenti di relax in mezzo alla natura incontaminata, dove scoprire flora e fauna autoctona e anche l’area archeologica Mutteron dei Frati con una villa costiera di epoca romana.

L’oasi naturalistica Val Grande occupa una superficie di oltre 300 ettari e offre ai visitatori l’opportunità di scoprire una grande varietà di biotopi ricchi di flora e fauna, come pinete, dune fossili, uno stagno di acqua dolce e numerosi tipi di uccelli, rettili, anfibi e mammiferi tra cui scoiattoli, conigli e volpi.


Come visitare l'oasi naturalistica:

L'oasi naturalistica è un luogo perfetto per gli amanti della natura e di una visita di tipo slow. È possibile visitarla sia in autonomia che partecipando a tour guidati con guide esperte che offrono un'esperienza arricchente e dettagliata dell'ambiente naturale.

I tour guidati in bici sono ideali per esplorare la Valle a ritmo lento, permettendo ai visitatori di immergersi completamente nella bellezza della natura circostante. Pedalare lungo questi percorsi è un modo rilassante per apprezzare la flora e la fauna locali, con la possibilità di fermarsi e osservare più da vicino gli angoli più suggestivi dell'oasi.

Le escursioni a piedi sono altrettanto affascinanti, con sentieri ben delimitati da staccionate e corde che guidano i visitatori attraverso il paesaggio naturale. Alcuni di questi sentieri sono percorribili anche in bici e a cavallo, offrendo diverse modalità per esplorare il territorio a seconda delle preferenze individuali.

Per chi ama l'acqua, le escursioni in canoa tra canali e canneti offrono un'esperienza unica. Pagaiare attraverso questi ambienti acquatici permette di scoprire angoli nascosti e di osservare da vicino la vita che prospera in questi ecosistemi. Anche le escursioni in kayak sono molto apprezzate, offrendo un modo dinamico e avventuroso di esplorare l'oasi, sempre nel rispetto totale dell’ambiente.

Infine, l'oasi nasconde tesori archeologici che raccontano storie del passato. Il sito archeologico Mutteron dei Frati è un'aggiunta affascinante all'esperienza naturale, permette ai visitatori di fare un tuffo nella storia romana mentre esplorano la bellezza del presente.

Che si scelga di visitare l'oasi autonomamente o con una guida, ogni visita promette di essere ricca di scoperte e emozioni.


Alcuni suggerimenti per una visita senza inconvenienti:

I cani sono benvenuti nell'oasi naturalistica, a patto che siano sempre tenuti al guinzaglio e che i proprietari raccolgano le loro deiezioni. Consigliamo di portare i cani nelle giornate meno affollate e meno calde per garantire una visita serena e sicura per tutti.

L’oasi rimane aperta anche in caso di maltempo, salvo decisioni della direzione che potrebbero chiudere l’intera area o alcune parti per motivi di sicurezza. È sempre consigliabile controllare le condizioni meteorologiche e le eventuali comunicazioni dell'oasi prima di programmare la visita.

I momenti migliori per visitare l'oasi sono la mattina presto o il tardo pomeriggio. In questi orari, la temperatura è più mite, la fauna è più attiva e la luce naturale crea un’atmosfera suggestiva, ideale per osservare e fotografare la natura.



Orari di apertura e ticket di ingresso:

  • Estate da 8/07/2024 al 31/10/2024

Da domenica a venerdì dalle 8.00 alle 18.00

Sabato chiuso


  • Inverno da 1/11/2024 al 28/02/2025

Lunedì dalle 8.30 alle 17.30

Martedì chiuso

Da mercoledì a domenica dalle 8.30 alle 17.30

Gli orari possono variare in caso di situazioni meteorologiche avverse.


  • Per la visita in autonomia, senza guida, i biglietti si acquistano presso il ristorante Havana, a poca distanza dall’ingresso dell’oasi naturalistica.
  • Per le visite guidate è necessario prenotare presso l’agenzia Armonia Viaggi:
  • Per le visite archeologiche alla villa romana Mutteron dei Frati invia una mail all’ufficio Iat di Bibione:
  • Per visitare l’oasi a cavallo invia una mail a


Tariffe 2024 per la visita autonoma:

  • Adulti 8,00 €
  • Bambini fino ai 12 anni 5,00 €
  • Bambini fino a 5 anni gratis
  • Gruppi (min 15 persone) su prenotazione 5,00 € a partecipante

The Wellness Area in Bibione Thermae

Designed to pamper each guest, from children to adults, this new offers high quality treatments made by a team of qualified professionals, which aim is to regenerate body and mind of the guest through gentle and relaxing methods.

The area welcomes the guests in a pleasant and elegant atmosphere. The design has been built to offer a unique experience, like unique are the treatments and the products, specially created for guests.
In the wellness area of Bibione Thermae you can choose among different "wellness-paths" with saunas, herbal baths, emotional showers and Polarium.

To meet the needs of guests, the wellness area offers different types of sauna that differ in temperature, humidity and used essences.
Each of them has specific beneficial effects on body and mind.

For example, the bio-sauna has a lower temperature than normal sauna and is therefore suitable for those who can not stand the high temperatures.
In addition, here the steam is mixed with dried herbs and essential oils.
The benefits of this sauna are numerous, including the improvement of immune system and micro-circulation.

Those who, instead, are very stressed and suffer from insomnia, can take advantage of the herbal bath.
In a beautiful room with 100% humidity, you can breathe in essences of natural herbs, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system as well, and on muscle tensing for stress and, consequently, on better night's sleep.

These are just some of the new treatments available in the wellness area in Bibione Thermae.

In addition, there are massages and beauty treatments in the SPA, also recently renewed, where you can find also the new products to buy, to take at home a little bit of wellness and relaxation.

Sports facilities in Bibione

In Bibione you can play many sports, all in modern facilities and with qualified teachers.

Besides the beach, the sea, the river and the environment, Bibione offers its guests also a Multi Purpose Sport Centre to practice sport in a large recently modernized facility and equipped with every comfort. Particularly ideal for groups and retreats for sports, the sports center is proposed as a place to combine sport with entertainment.

In a large green area equipped with many facilities for the sport and the fun of all, the centre is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. and offers:

4 tennis clay courts with night lighting
2 tennis hard courts
2 tennis indoor courts
2 futsal grass courts
2 futsal indoor courts
1 beach tennis field
4 basket courts
2 volleyball courts
3 indoor volleyball courts
6 volleyball grass courts

For the comfort of the guests there are many changing rooms with showers with hot and cold water, snack bar and lounge area with beach umbrellas, sun beds and Jacuzzi.


For those who want to keep in shape also during the holiday, find in Bibione the brand-new Capalonga Fitness Club.

Located near the harbour, immersed in the green nature of Bibione, the Capalonga Fitness Club offers a large gym with a lot of equipments and machines and many fitness lessons like pilates, thai boxe, spinning and zumba! Both in the gym that in the courses there are professional instructors who will guide you to choose the best discipline for you and achieve the desired results.

Even those who love golf do not be disappointed.
Very close to the accommodation facilities in Bibione, only few minutes' drive away, there is a beautiful Golf Club, a green oasis near the bends of the river Tagliamento on the side of Lignano Sabbiadoro. An 18-hole course with ponds, large bunkers and dunes puts a strain on all golf lovers. And for a relaxing break, the elegant restaurant and the beauty farm are at your disposal.

All athletes can spend the holiday in Bibione and continue to train in a beautiful natural place, breathing pure air.
And after so much effort and sweat, the relaxation of the beach and spa and the fun of the city are close at hand.

Outdoor sports

The environment in Bibione offers the chance to practice many outdoor sports, even those not used. Cycle routes are suitable for experienced bikers, but even for those who want to make an entertaining excursion with friends, paths are the ideal for a walk and who loves animals will have even the chance to ride.

Thanks to its nature and facilities, in Bibione you can do:

Cycling: with more than 30 km of cycle paths, Bibione offers the opportunity both beginners and experienced bikers to play this sport. Cycle routes run through the whole city of Bibione and enter the inland, where admire an unpolluted landscape.

Nordic Walking: in Bibione it is possible to practice in the wonderful pinewood and, thanks to the sticks, this sport allows to move up to 90% of your muscles. For its qualities and its positive effects on the health, Nordic Walking is suitable for people of all ages, including seniors. Lessons are every Thursday morning with departure from Piazzale Zenith and arrival at the lighthouse.

Walk: those who love walking can continue their training even in Bibione with two circular tracks, Bosco Canoro track of 9 km and Lighthouse track of 18 km. You walk inside the pinewood, up to the mouth of river Tagliamento, breathing fresh air in a wonderful environment.

Horsemanship: Bibione offers different horse-riding schools to discover on horseback the beauty of the nature in the lagoon or in Valgrande. At the Centro Ippico Valgrande you find 15 horses, 2 tracks, one obstacle course and horse-riding for beginners. You can also take lessons with two federal instructors.

Alternate moments of beach with moments of sport surrounded by nature: your body and even your mind will get great benefits. And in the evening let yourself go to culinary delights and to a special romantic walk on the beach.

Water sports, the sea of Bibione is special!

The fans of water sports find in Bibione many indoor pools, but especially the sea. A wonderful sea, quiet and with a gently sloping seabed, ideal even for children just starting in holiday to swim. In addition, don't forget the river Tagliamento, that can be traveled by canoe in some parts.

Not only swimming, the sea of Bibione is ideal for many exciting sports:

Swimming: summer holiday is the ideal moment to learn to swim, especially for children, which can make also many new friends. In Bibione the swimming school Centro Europa organizes throughout the summer swimming lessons in the sea for children, young people and adults at all levels.

Windsurf: since the early '70s Bibione has promoted the windsurf because its position brings the breezes blowing from the sea to the coast, making the sport safer for children. Thanks to the spread of windsurf, in Bibione there are five active school during the summer.

Canoeing: you can make excursions in the near lagoons or towards the mouth of the river Tagliamento. Easy to manage, the canoes are suitable for longer excursions.

Sailing: children and youngsters have the chance to get closer to sailing, thanks to the various courses offered by the Circolo Velico of Bibione. Every year in September takes place an exciting regatta that attracts a large number of athletes and public.

Parafly: in Bibione there are also days with strong winds, the bora from Trieste and the south-easterly winds, ideal for the water-skiing and parafly, two sports where sea and sky meet each other.

Sports fishing: not only in the sea, but also in the river Tagliamento. Thanks to their presence and the association that organizes events and competitions, there are many Italian and foreign tourists that take advantage of the holiday in Bibione to try fishing.


All these activities are carried out by sports association of Bibione, which provide their experienced teachers to enable you to live really exciting moments.


A gym of golden sand

The city of Bibione lends itself very well to those who want to play sports on holiday: the beach, the pinewood, the cycle paths, the several tennis, volleyball, basketball and soccer courts and the multi purpose sport centre offer the chance to adults and children to move in a beautiful environment.

If adults can play sport alone, for children there are many summer camps on the beach and in the sport centres. Here, besides learning their favourite sport with great teachers, make friendships with other children and alternate the lessons to entertaining moments.

The beach of Bibione offers the possibility to play:

Beach Tennis: half a way between tennis and volley ball, beach tennis has spread worldwide. Teams are composed of two players with rules similar to those of ordinary tennis. In Bibione there are many competitions of beach tennis during the summer, several of which are valid at national level.

Beach volley: wherever you play beach volleyball, but Bibione is the favourite destination for lovers thank to the several tournaments that attract also great volleyball players, such as the Beach Volley Marathon. For an entire weekend, more than 10.000 athletes compete on more than 200 fields! A spectacular event.

Beach soccer: it comes from Brazil and it has become already a loved summer sport. At a professional level, the beach soccer is a spectacular sport, but even for amateurs is an entertaining sport! The teams consist of 5 players including goalkeeper and is played in a field of 28x37 meters.

Running: run on the beach, an excellent way to keep fit both in summer and in winter. During the summer you can run barefoot, close to the waterline where the sand is harder. In this way you will avoid trauma to tendons and nerves and you get a good foot massage, which is very good for the nervous system. Of course, the clothing should be lightweight and in transpiring material, avoiding hot hours. Evening or morning are good times to burn calories!

Bowls: game beach par excellence, is no longer a game "for the elderly". Many young people approach him. Trying to beat the more experienced in the fields in front of Piazzale Zenith.


Those who love water, will find in the sea of Bibione the ideal place for all water sports, from swimming to parafly!

What I do today at the beach?

The beach of Bibione offers the opportunity to choose every day what to do and therefore well suited to the different needs of tourists.


Only Relaxation

First, the beach of Bibione offers rest with its beach umbrellas, sunbeds and deckchairs.
An invitation to idle about, surrounded by the sweet smell of sea and sand, kissed by the warm rays of sunshine and cooled by the sea breeze.
Primarily adults, especially parents, appreciate this quality: a book, a magazine full of juicy gossip, headphones with the summer music or cards to play with your friends.

A refreshing swim and a drink in the nearby beach bar are the maximum activities allowed!

Sport "do it yourself" or with crazy teachers

But sometimes, on holiday, you may also have good intentions, such as, for example, do sport!
After so much inactivity in the office and everyday stress, you may feel the urge to move in the open air and then there is those who are for the sport "do -it-yourself" and those who prefer do it with instructors.

In both cases you can enjoy the beach, a real open-air gym that offers in the morning and the evening an ideal place for jogging, walking, nordic-walking, oriental disciplines like yoga, biking or horseback rides and more. Even a simple walking with the water reaching your ankles is a panacea for the blood circulation. And if you do it with friends, it becomes a real relaxing moment.

In addition the beach of Bibione offers several beach volley and beach soccer fields. Ideal for competitions with the neighbours of beach umbrellas.

Those who are too lazy for sport "do-it-yourself" or prefer to go to the instructors, find many sport courses in the entire beach at set times. Of course free. Entertainers will take you into the water with water-gym course, while on the sand they will wait for you with muscle toning, traditional gymnastic, dancing lessons and the most popular fitness classes like pilates.

Not to forget the sea: swimming lessons, windsurfing and diving are open to all with high qualified instructors.


Fun, fun, fun!

If you are looking for the fun, the beach of Bibione offers an entertainment staff ready for sports tournaments, treasure hunts, cards tournaments, sand castle competitions, shows and everything you want.
And in the evening, theme parties, aperitifs under the beach umbrella and music on the sand for everybody!

While most romantic people can enjoy a romantic walk in the moonlight with the better half, hand in hand under the glittering stars.


Children, the beach is for you

While adults have rest under the beach umbrellas, do sport or have fun with entertainers, children can live happily and peacefully their holiday in Bibione.
The service of free entertainment offers many activities during the day every day: from the sports week to the creative workshops, from the shows to the games. Upon the arrival at the beach you just need to enrol the children for the activities you think are more interesting for them.


With your dog in holiday

But there's more: Bibione think also to our four-legged friends! The Pluto's Beach is a beach for dogs equipped with every comfort, ideal to spend the holiday with his dog. Here it can run, have rest on the sunbed, swim into the sea and make agility dog courses.

With a such offer, the beach of Bibione is able to satisfy every wish!

Shopping in Bibione

Obviously the beach and the sea of Bibione are the protagonists, the purpose of the holiday of thousands of tourists which every year flood in the seaside resort.

But don't forget that Bibione offers also a multitude of very important services for a perfect holiday: fun for children and adults, relaxation, excursions, nature and a pedestrian area ideal for the shopping!

More than 500 shops, restaurants for gourmets, pizza restaurants for meals with friends, bars, ice-cream parlours and clubs where you can enjoy an aperitif at sunset and have fun until dawn.

Bibione is a sparkling and fashionable seaside resort and offers its guests an exciting shopping experience, with useful and useless things, suitable for any need.
It can happen to forget something at home, in Bibione is not a problem. From swimming suits to sunglasses, from lifebuoy for children to the sun cream, up to the nice flip-flops, a must for tourists!

In addition to these bazaars and shops, there is place also for those who have an attack of compulsive shopping: boutiques with the most prestigious brands offer clothing, shoes and bags; jewellers and perfumeries think about your beauty, while for your house there are several furniture stores with design objects of great value.

Tourists on holiday in Bibione can also take a look to the latest fashion pair of jeans for the next autumn-winter season, thanks to the anticipation models sold in the shops already in the first August days.

But before you pack up and leave Bibione, do not forget to go in a gift shop and buy a souvenir of Murano glass.

Bibione, the birth of a great beach

The history of Bibione is very ancient, but reconstruct it is very difficult. To this day came little evidence of ancient times, but we know that the Romans in the first centuries AD occupied this area with land drainages and the construction of roads.

With the rise of Christianity, the entire area of Bibione, which was and island, goes under the Diocese of Concordia Sagittaria and then in later centuries under the Serenissima.

This domination marks the dark years of Bibione, because the Republic of Venice was not interested in these territories, which go back to being populated by wildlife.

As many territories in surroundings, even Bibione goes under the Empire of Napoleon before and of the Hapsburg after, until the Kingdom of Italy in 1866. It will be the Kingdom of Italy to take up the drainages started centuries before by the Romans, but certainly not to make it a seaside resort, but to make the area more healthy and start a settlement.

From the '50s to the present day

During the drainages of the region, it finds a beautiful golden sand, which reveals its full potential from the '50s with the rise of the mass tourism.

Some young entrepreneurs glimpse the great opportunity offered by the desire of people to travel all over Europe and begin to buy lands to build accommodation facilities and services. From that moment the whole peninsula of Bibione becomes a building site in the open air: hotel, villas in the pinewood, campsites and villages, a good road network and all the useful services for the first tourists.

Initially, the flow of tourists was limited to a few local customers and foreign tourists, mostly from Austria and Germany, attracted by the beauty of the area and the low prices. Even the early campsites and villages, built with functionally criteria of great value, help to increase the interest for the seaside resort.

With the tumultuous rise of the mass tourism in '60s and '70s Bibione changes rapidly into a leading tourist city in Europe.

Foresight and imagination led the tourist industry to plough back a substantial part of their income into further investments, so that guests were treated to an ever-wider range of facilities, culminating in the "Bibione Thermae", an impressive spa complex.

This development continues today and makes the beach of Bibione increasingly open to foreign markets, being able to satisfy a large range of demands and wishes, from the beach holiday, to the green holiday, through sport, leisure and wellness.

Val Grande and Vallesina, Vallevecchia: the natural treasures of Bibione

Those who want to make a nice excursion in natural environments where human activity was minimal and well harmonized with the environment, find in the fishing valleys the right solution.

Fishing valleys are typical of this area between Bibione and Caorle and they are named after the embankments. The valleys are the visible evidence left by man of environments which have remained uncontaminated over time and here, through a system of locks, are breed different species of fish, like sea bass and grey mullet.

In Bibione these valleys are Val Grande and Vallesina, while Vallevecchia lies between the seaside resort and Caorle and it is property of Veneto Region.

Val Grande and Vallesina:
Val Grande and Vallesina cover an enormous area, 475 hectares of which 320 of water, and are of great natural interest. Valgrande has a surface of 360 hectares and has been private property for centuries. Only in recent years it has open its gates to the visitors, showing all its beauty and harmony with which man was able to transform this swampy area into a beautiful fishing valley, protecting and respecting flora and fauna.

Here visitors can go through the native holm oak wood, that covers the ancient dunes up to the hill Mutteron dei Frati, where you can also admire a large Roman villa, still under excavation and restoration.

In the valley you can see also flowers of particular relevance and rare wildlife species, such as Hermann's tortoise.

The tour takes place in groups with a guide on foot, by bike or on horseback, a beautiful way of being more in touch with nature.

The best times to visit Valgrande and Vallesina are spring and summer for lovers of botany, while animal lovers find more satisfaction in early spring, late summer and autumn.

Few kilometres away from Bibione, easily reachable by car, there is Vallevecchia, an island of 900 hectars bounded by sea, lagoons and rivers. The so close presence of these different typologies of water, create a really unique and unusual flora and fauna of great value.

Even in Vallevecchia there are different routes to make by foot, bicycle or on horseback. Visitors can follow specific sign panels that describe the environment, or can request a guide.

Delta of the river Tagliamento:
Coming back in Bibione, in addition to the beautiful two valleys, tourists have the possibility to see another wonderful landscape, the delta of the river Tagliamento in the area of the lighthouse.

Reachable by foot or bicycle only through two paths, this area has a great importance in flora and fauna as it has a typical vegetation of the warm Mediterranean climates together with species of the could mountains. There are in fact the oak, butcher's broom, marine alfalfa, heather, juniper and pine, not to mention the presence of wild orchids.

Regarding animals, here we find many birds like gulls, grebes, goldeneyes. With a little bit of lucky, you can also see red and grey herons, the black stork, very rare, and ducks. Here, as in the valleys, we find the tortoise of Hermann.

For those who want to find out a little bit of nature and make pleasant excursions surrounded by silence, quiet and beautiful landscapes, Bibione offers places where nature reigns supreme.

Cycle paths

Forget your car and use the bicycle for your holiday in Bibione.

A convenient means of transport to get around the city, without the stress of traffic and the parking place.

An eco-friendly means of transportation to keep the city clean and the air fresh.

An ideal means of transportation to do some sport, stretch the legs and relax.

An amusing means of transportation for a nice picnic with family and friends.

A great means of transportation to discover the most beautiful places of Bibione and surroundings, with over 20 km of internal paths.

Widened and improved over the years, today the paths are pride and joy of Bibione. Loved by tourists, which can explore the city in its extent without any concern, these paths are maintained with great care and allow you to see beautiful landscapes and spend the holiday at a slower pace, almost natural. With the bike you can discover the lighthouse, follow the coastal line from east to west and admire a fiery sunset.

In particular this last path is the most popular with tourists, because it runs parallel to the sea, divided in two with a lane for cyclists and one for pedestrian, bordered with flower beds, box and rose-bay shrubs. Thanks to the streetlights, cycle paths are available even at night in safety. An occasion to enjoy the view of the sea beneath the stars.

Bicycle lovers can also discover the interior, cycling on tarred streets and on dirty roads with banks which follow alongside the canals and the river Tagliamento.

These paths go through the pinewoods, the lagoon, the countries and all beautiful landscapes in the surroundings of Bibione.

Surrounded by nature in Bibione

Bibione and green holiday, a combination of great success. Not only the beautiful beach abd the blue sea make Bibione a successful resort, but even its luxuriant nature, perfectly suited for healthy outdoor holiday.

Despite the millions of tourists that every year spend here the holiday, Bibione has been able to maintain the integrity of some natural environs, which, still today, surprise while leaving one breathless. In addition, the dense network of cycle paths and trails allows everyone to visit even these particular areas, where reign only the sounds and colours of true nature.

In Bibione you can walk, cycle or ride to explore some areas of incomparable beauty.
The area od the lighthouse, for example, with dunes and pinewood which conserves the remains of the ancient woods. Here coexist the Black Austrian pine, thanks to the cold water of the river Tagliamento, and the typical essences of the Mediterranean climate, such as the Holm-oak and the honeysuckle. The lighthouse is reachable exclusively on foot or by bicycle via two roads of four-kilometer-long.

Continuing the walk you will discover the zone between Lido del Sole and Bibione Pineda, where there is a part of the ancient Pineda or Pignada, interesting from an environmental point of view. In the central area of Bibione lies the so-called Lino delle Fate, 7 uncontaminated hectares which are not accessible and are property of the Municipality, named after a perennial plant (feathery fairy linen).

Not to mention Valgrande and Vallesina, Vallevecchia and the surroundings of Bibione which offer beautiful landscapes of an ancient time.

The care and preservation of nature are also found in the numerous awards and certificates that Bibione received every year: for twenty years the European Blue Flag flies on its own beach, supported by the Green Flag, award for the environmental compliance of the younger generation.
It is not a coincidence then that the beach of Bibione has also received the EMAS Registration for the sustainable tourism and the certification ISO 14001 for the environmental management.

Additional guarantees for an unforgettable green holiday in Bibione.

Aquasplash, waterpark

Big slides, breathtaking waves and water games: this is Aquasplash, the playground on the water at the entrance of Lignano, few minutes from Bibione. Built in 1985, Aquasplash in Lignano was the first water park in Italy.

For adults and children, the park offers slides of all types and sizes, from the baby elephant in shallow pools for babies to the Kamikaze slide for adults. And then a pool with artificial waves, Jacuzzi to relax, snack areas, American trampolines and big gardens to sunbathe.

Location: Aquasplash is located in Viale Europa in Lignano Sabbiadoro, it is open from late May to early September every day from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


The Zoo

The Punta Verde Zoo offers the opportunity to closely look more than 1000 animals of 200 different species like bears, lions, panthers, snakes, monkeys, but also a real farm with hens, turkeys, bunnies, geese, horses, donkeys and cows.

Few kilometres from Bibione, a 10.000 m2 green area welcomes more than 1000 animals in special habitats and organizes guided tours and workshops for children to discover the peculiarities of the zoo's guests. During the summer, children can take part in summer camps and all visitors can take part in special projects, like for examples "Close encounters with the lemurs". The main purpose of the zoo is to educate the public to respect the environment by providing correct information with information boards, workshops and guided tours.

The Punta Verde Zoo offers also a café, a restaurant and different picnic areas.

Location: The Zoo is located in Lignano Riviera in Via G. Scerbanenco 19 and it is open from April to September every day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Bibione spa

Even during the bad days and the winter season, Bibione is able to give the guests some moments of warmth, relaxation and fun.

How? It is simple, thanks to its spa.

Bibione Spa is located in a peaceful and quiet oasis, immersed in the green pine-wood and a short walk from the beach. Open all year, the spa is a modern centre equipped both for traditional spa treatments, made by a team of doctors, and for the fun of children and relaxation of adults. The success of the spa is due also by its water, flowing at 52° to a depth of 400 metres, particularly recommended for mud-baths and balneotherapy, inhalation treatments and the rehabilitation of vascular system.

The therapeutic centre is well known and appreciated by the public, so much that there are many people coming from different regions to carry out treatments, even joining a stay in the seaside resort. The Bibione spa are not just a care and rehabilitation centre, but also a multi-purpose centre for any kind of request regarding the psycho-physical well-being.

So here we find a wonderful beauty centre, a small paradise for massages and modern natural beauty treatments; a gym for all kind of fitness courses, from the bikes for spinning to the most innovative courses; a spa area with indoor and outdoor pools with whirlpools and water games for children, sauna, Turkish bath, solarium and snack points.

Especially this last area is very popular with families during the winter, which, immersed in the natural hot water, can have fun all day. From the indoor pools, you can easily swim to the outdoor pools even in the cold days, with the chance to admire the beautiful park. You can relax with the Whirlpool, while children play, or choose among two 90° saunas, a biological sauna at 75° and the Turkish bath.

Year after year the spa of Bibione is enriched with new services, structures and equipments to offer guests a more higher offer and a centre able to integrate with the hospitals for the prevention and rehabilitation.
The continuous investment in quality and professionalism allowed also to open in autumn 2011 a new beauty farm, with innovative treatments studied on each guest, with suited lights, music and fragrances.

For thermal and beauty treatments, or simply for a different say with your family, the Bibione spa will satisfy your wishes.

The beach, fun and relaxation under the sun

11 km of soft golden sand welcome you in Bibione!

With an average width of 400 meters, the beach of Bibione offers beach umbrellas and deck-chairs at a reasonable distance, ensuring in this way a personal space and more tranquillity. Children can also play safely on the sea shore, because the seabed of Bibione slopes gently.

The Baby Parking and the Mini Club, respectively for children from 3 to 5 years old and from 5 to 12 years old, offer to the little guests of Bibione the opportunity to strike up new friendships and to play together under the supervision of qualified and always smiling animators.

Also adults have an animation team! Besides being able to get a perfect tan thanks to its orientation towards Zenith, the beach of Bibione offers to tourists also many sports courses: aerobics, water gym, sports tournaments and dance with professional teachers. You also have the opportunity to attend sailing, canoeing and windsurfing courses and to enter in amusing tennis, volleyball and football tournaments. All that on the beautiful beach.

Bibione thinks even those who travel with their beloved dog.
The Pluto beach is a special area equipped with about 120 places with deck-chairs, sun beds, food and water bowl and leash for your four-legged friends. Your dog can also go swimming, thanks to a stretch of sea delimited by buoys.

On the beach you can also find the Customer Service: stewards and hostesses will solve all your requests.

The many European Blue Flags, the European Environmental Certification EMAS and the ISO 14001 Certification are a further guarantee of the high quality of the sea waters, of the modern services for tourists and of the careful environmental management of the entire seaside resort.

The aim of the beach of Bibione is to offer every year, more and more special holiday. And to reach this purpose, the city commits itself to respect the nature and to offer a perfect welcome for its guests.